Everything old is new again. Especially when you use our rustic Gathering Room Media Case as an unexpected base for your bedroom's flat panel TV. Built to house up to a 49" base atop the 48" high frame, the Gathering Room Media Case conceals a host of modern electronic needs in a vintage-styled case. The upper most compartment is hinged, and drops down to display a self-contained surge suppressor. Below, two glass-fronted doors offer visual access to DVD, BlueRay, cable, stereo, satellite and network boxes, no matter whether the doors are open or closed. A single adjustable shelf increases flexibility. Along the bottom, a ring-and-rosette studded deep drawer holds sweaters, blankets or spare linens. Flanked on either side by banded, distressed balustrades, the overall look feels as distinctive and one-of-a-kind as a vintage salonnette from a French antiques fair.