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Sentry Safe 1821CS+, 1 Hour Media Fire Cabinet, 3 Drawers

Item #: 1821CS+
Regular Price:   $6,101.00 Your Price: $2,745.00
FREE shipping to any commercial facility within the 48 US States! ( Dock delivery only. Inside installation available, inquire: 866-800-0028)

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Product Description

SentrySafe Media Fire Cabinets are designed with the highest quality materials, and manufactured to meet or exceed the most stringent industry requirements for fire protection, with indenpendent third party UL classification.

These cabinets provide practical storage space, with standard interiors that can be easily customized using our extensive line of accessories and a variety of lock options, in a convenient and attractively priced alternative to off-site storeage.  

The SentrySafe Media Fire Cabinets complement classic and contemporary office décors. Wether it's paper documents or computer media, these cabinets are the right choice for businesses looking to protect their future

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